Renewing an SSL Certificate is usually the same procedure as obtaining a new SSL Certificate, which means when you renew it is a requirement to replace your existing SSL Certificate, Private Key and Intermediate CA Certificates within your hosting control panel or server.
Renew Your SSL Certificate Instantly 🔗
When renewing you'll benefit from being able to test and install your new SSL Certificate parallel to your existing SSL Certificate. We don't recommend that customers leave renewing their SSL Certificate until the last day in case of order queuing or delays in processing.
Generally, an SSL Certificate can be renewed for up to 5 years. When an SSL Certificate is issued it will contain a validity date for a period as per industry requirements, generally 1 year. An SSL Certificate can be reissued via our Tracking 🔗 system to benefit from an updated validity period.
Subscriptions - No Need To Renew
If you have an automatic protection plan with Trustico® your SSL Certificate will renew automatically each month or year. You don't need to worry about renewing your SSL Certificate with an automatic protection plan. Just Reissue Your SSL Certificate 🔗 to benefit from an updated validity period.
Best Practices
We recommend generating a new Certificate Signing Request and Private Key. Where possible avoid using an existing Certificate Signing Request as this will ensure the Private Key will match the SSL Certificate that is issued.
If you have generated your new Certificate Signing Request you can proceed to the renewal options below.
How To Generate A Certificate Signing Request
As it's best practice to generate a new Certificate Signing Request, please visit the following links for assistance with creating the new Certificate Signing Request.
Generate Your SSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR) 🔗
A CSR (Certificate Signing Request) is required to order an SSL Certificate. The CSR is generated from within your hosting control panel, web server software or server operating system software. 🔗
How To Install Your SSL Certificate
Please visit the following links for assistance with installing your SSL Certificate.
Install Your SSL Certificate 🔗
If you would prefer to renew easily over the phone, please call and speak with a customer service agent who will prepare your renewal order and provide additional information on how to install your renewal SSL Certificate. 🔗
Don't Get Caught Out - Renew Early
Your renewal will be valid from the date that your order is submitted and subsequently fulfilled. The SSL Certificate will work alongside your existing SSL Certificate, ensuring you can test and avoid downtime. We recommend renewing and replacing your SSL Certificate 14 days before your existing one expires.
Microsoft Windows Server IIS Warning
Internet Information Server (IIS) customers should avoid using the "Renew SSL Certificate" option within Internet Information Server (IIS). This is due to limitations of the Internet Information Server (IIS) renewal procedure which may cause the renewal to fail.

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We'd prefer not to lose your business, if you have found a cheaper price we'll ensure to welcome you as a customer of Trustico® by matching the price you have found elsewhere.
Trustico® Blog Posts
CNAME Validation for SSL Certificates Now Avail...
Managing SSL Certificates can often be a complex process. This is why we're excited to announce a significant enhancement to the way we validate SSL Certificates - the ability to...
CNAME Validation for SSL Certificates Now Avail...
Managing SSL Certificates can often be a complex process. This is why we're excited to announce a significant enhancement to the way we validate SSL Certificates - the ability to...
Issuance Insurance for SSL Reissuance
Issuance Insurance is a valuable feature offered by some Certificate Authorities like Trustico® as it protects your investment in SSL Certificates by covering the cost of reissuance under certain circumstances....
Issuance Insurance for SSL Reissuance
Issuance Insurance is a valuable feature offered by some Certificate Authorities like Trustico® as it protects your investment in SSL Certificates by covering the cost of reissuance under certain circumstances....
About EV SSL Certificates
EV SSL Certificates (Extended Validation SSL Certificates) are the highest level of SSL available. They provide the most robust security and instill the highest level of trust in your website's...
About EV SSL Certificates
EV SSL Certificates (Extended Validation SSL Certificates) are the highest level of SSL available. They provide the most robust security and instill the highest level of trust in your website's...